Thursday, August 28, 2008

6 Weeks No More Spotting!!!!!

Thank you all for your positive thoughts. They totally calmed me down and made me feel better!

I'm afraid you are all going to stop reading my 'wolf crying' blog because I freak out over nothing, but I can't help it!

I think its the biggest symptom of being infertile - never trusting that your body can produce life. And it sucks to be such a worry wart. Please know that I don't enjoy it. It's just that the spotting last night came out of nowhere and completely caught me off guard.

The spotting went away as fast as it had appeared, around 7pm last night. First sighting was a little after 6. Truth be told, it was like three specs between two swipes of the t.p. but it was there. It was real, and I was just sure it was going to get worse.

And as I sat in the RE's waiting room FOREVER this morning, I worried that I was beginning to feel cramping. I imagined the worst, held DH's hand, and was preparing to see an empty womb. Nurse H told me that brown is old, and not to worry. Watch it, but only worry and call if its red. She's so matter of fact, somehow the 'brown is old' thing made me feel immediate relief. So, yay for that.

But on to the good stuff! We saw TWO healthy heartbeats fluttering, and heard them! I was crying! I still can't believe we're pregnant, and now we get two! When Dr VW told us there were two, I just said "No way" I think she was afraid we were upset, but we are delighted. I was so concerned about having a healthy baby, I never thought twins was a possibility, even though I knew there was a 50/50 chance, but still. It's just shocking.

Baby A measures 6wk0d and Baby B measures 6wk1d. They are not concerned about that difference in size, but will of course watch it. And I hugged Dr. VW and Nurse M. They told us all the nurses had been taking bets on how many were in there. Nurse M even told me that everything had gotten better for us since we brought in the new picture of ourselves!

So, productivity is at an all time low here at work. I keep phoning friends, and now I'm updating my blog. I need to go get some lunch. Because apparently, I'm eating for THREE! Holy crap. I'm just so happy to see my babies' heartbeats. They looked so healthy and I just want everything to work out so badly.

Thanking God that things are looking good so far, and that the spotting has stopped. Asking Him to continue the blessings, and to maybe just consider the possibility of never letting me find spots again!


Aunt Becky said...

Just wonderful news! I'm so happy for you.

Erin said...

OMG! TWINS, how exciting. Glad to hear all is on track!

Faithful Infertile said...

Ahhh!!!! I'm so freakin' excited for you!!! Twins will be so amazing! I'm just giddy!!! Just think our babies are only a week apart! I'm 5 weeks today!

Elana Kahn said...

Yay! You are so lucky...I had spotting the same day and was basically told to relax and wait for my u/s next week. :-P bleargh But I already know there's two in there, we just have to check for heartbeats!!! YAY FOR TWINSIES!

Elana Kahn said...

Nah, they won't move up my appointment (grumble)...and deep down I really don't want them to because I want to be at a place where I am almost guaranteed to see a h/b (if there is one). I don't want to go too early and have them tell me they can't see it and to wait again...

Tiffi33 said...

THAT is so awesome..
I am excited for you!!!

Blue said...

Oh congratulations - thats wonderful news! So pleased for you! Just goes to show that those high beta results don't lie!

Jamie said...

TWINS?!?! Congratulations!! I am so very excited for you!!