Saturday, June 28, 2008

Last night was Girls Night In this time hosted by my friend, L. It's always a different mix, but last night there were several nurses there. I wasn't there long before I figured out that they work at the surgery center where I will have my Egg Retrieval. I wasn't going to volunteer anything, because they started complaining about the upcoming IVF cycle and how they can't take any vacation days because all the nurses have to be on call during those two weeks (my RE's office only does 4 cycles each year). Knowing glances from others in the room as this goes on until another friend totally outs me. So, the complaining about IVF time was aborted and instead we played 20 questions with the infertile, which was fine, but interesting to note that those nurses at the surgery center have no idea what all has occurred before you get to retrieval.

To demonstrate this, I will share only this - they didn't know that I had to give myself injections! They didn't even know that we get injections. They seriously have zero idea about what happens, because they are surgery nurses. Their more frequent patients are random normal surgeries, like hemorrhoids or carpal tunnel.

Anyway, I ended up being glad I was outed and had the opportunity to learn more about their jobs. And now, if one of them is working when I have my ER, it will be like a little reunion. So, I'm kind of hoping I get one of them!

My week has been a whirlwind of events most evenings, and last night was no exception. Monday night, I took co-workers from out of state out for dinner. And again on Tuesday night after our annual stockholders meeting. Wednesday night I vegged out at home. Thursday night, I saw some band at the zoo. Some friends from work and I participated in the Final Fridays Art Crawl downtown, which involves the galleries being open later and offering refreshments - including free wine and cheese. Wahoo! After we got tired of walking, we all went our separate ways, so I was only about 90 minutes late to girls night. Tonight we are supposed to go to this street dance in Kechi where a friend from work's band will be playing. has been raining all day, so I'm not sure if that will go as planned. I keep thinking my social life is crazy right now and I've got to slow down, but I know that in exactly 4 weeks I will be starting my stims and so will be going nowhere. I guess I'm just trying to pack my whole summer into these last few weeks.
This morning, some friends from church and I distributed toiletries to the homeless downtown.
We had spent a couple hours before that making our 'girl' kits into 'boy' kits because there seem to be more men than women at these things. In total, I think we had 40 men kits and 5 for women. And they were gone about 10 seconds after we walked in to the place where others from our church were serving a free lunch. The kits contain toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, bars of soap, a comb or brush, plus a poncho, two pairs of socks, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, bottled water, two snack packs, McD's gift card, gas station gift card, and 5 bus passes. So, they're quite popular and although they're certainly not going to save someone's life or get them off the street, they hopefully will make the next few days a little more comfortable. It really didn't take much of my time, and was good fellowship with friends from church. I didn't particularly bond with anyone in particular, or really feel anything emotional. But I also didn't think about myself for those few hours. I didn't worry about the stressful week I will have at my job or infertility or car payments or the conversations I had yesterday. I was focused on something other than myself, which feels really good.

1 comment:

Peeveme said...

I could not agree more that focusing on something other than yourself can do one a world of good (in addition to the actual "good" you are doing).