Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More Cancer Talk. Less Melodrama.

Feeling better today.

The more I say the words, the less they have control over me.

I have cancer.

Thyroid cancer.

But no thyroid.

Here's what I do know. I have my 'thyroid ablation consultation' with the oncologist on Monday. It will have 45 minutes for him to tell me his 'plan of attack' and for me to ask my questions.

At some point, I will have radioactive iodine treatment, which is administered at the hospital, they keep you there until the radiation reaches a safe level and your bodily fluids when excreted for 'flushed' would not harm the public or loved ones. To prepare for this, I need to go without a thyroid for about 6 weeks. During that time, the thyroid hormone in my body will dissipate and I will become more and more tired and grumpy. The last two weeks of this, I will be on a low iodine diet, which will starve the thyroid cells in my body so when the radioactive iodine is administered, the thirsty cells will soak up all the poisoned iodine. And then they will die.

At some point, I will have blood work and a full body scan to determine where else the cancer may have spread. And that is what scares me the most.

Lots of tears. Lots of weeping. Lots of hugging my boys. I was mostly fine today. Thank you for all of your well wishes. They mean the world to me, from you, the ladies who have supported me through so much already. I'm so lucky to have you.

Please pray the cancer has not spread and that the radioactive iodine will kill whatever remains of my thyroid cells.


Elana Kahn said...

I will be praying, praying, praying for you!!! I hope that your scan comes back totally clean of any other cancer and that the iodine treatment knocks out all the bad thyroid cells!!!!

Llama Wanderings said...

My heart an prayers are with you and your family.

G$ said...

You are in my prayers hun. I hope the treatment isn't too bad on you and the scan shows nothing more.

I wish there was more I could do.

Anonymous said...

Haven't been a great commenter of late but wanted to delurk to tell you that I'm crossing everything for you and hoping that all turns out well.

Faithful Infertile said...

You'll be in my prayers. I'm hoping your scan shows it has not spread.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Somewhat Ordinary said...

You and your beautiful family are in my prayers.

Jamie said...

You are allowed all the melodrama you want. This is an overwhelming thing to wrap your mind around.

I pray that your full scan comes up clean and you only need this one iodine treatment.

Sending you much love and strength.

Anonymous said...

I will indeed pray that the treatment succeeds and the scan comes up clear. I'm sorry you're going through this.

Finn's Mom said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. What devastating new for you and your family. If it makes you feel better, I had the radioactive iodine treatment for thyroid issues back in 2003 and it effectively killed my thryoid within 2 weeks. Hopefully, it'll work just as efficiently for you. Sending you tons of prayers and positive thoughts that it has not spread beyond the thryoid. I'll be watching for updates.

Keiko Zoll said...

You are totally in my thoughts and prayers right now... Here's a great big hug from a stranger on the internet **hug**

Also, you might want to shoot on over to the blog Bella & Her Fella (http://bellaandherfella.blogspot.com/)- she also experienced thyroid cancer at the end of last year and is now PG (as of last week).

I can't even imagine how scary this must be, so you have every right for tears. Hang in there... I wish there was more I could do or say for you.


Anonymous said...

I will definitely keep you in my prayers. I'm so sorry...

tbonegrl said...

I am praying for you.